Organic Bulgur Wheat Big

  • Organic Bulgur Big grain
Organic Bulgur Big grain Organic Bulgur Wheat Organic Bulgur Wheat Big

Organic Bulgur Wheat Big


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  • Want to break out of your regular side dish? Try organic bulgur.

    Bulgur Wheat: A Widely Popular Superfood That Is Easy To Cook

    Bulgur wheat has long been cultivated for centuries. Native to the Mediterranean basin region, this cereal grain is a staple ingredient in many Middle Eastern dishes. Due to its popularity, bulgur is now a superfood that is consumed throughout the world in several cuisines.

    Nutritional Value of Organic Bulgur

    Praised for its high fiber content, bulgur also contains several other vital nutrients. To name a few, it contains vitamin B6, folate, iron, manganese, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, selenium, and more. Consuming just 1 cup or about 182 grams can provide 151 calories, 34 grams of carbs, 6 grams of protein, and 8 grams of fiber.

    Health Benefits of Organic Bulgur

    Bulgur provides a wide range of health benefits when consuming it. To mention a few, it supports digestive health, promotes heart health, it can aid in weight loss, and it can also regulate blood sugar levels. It has several health benefits and it is packed with vitamins. Not only is it easy to cook but it serves a healthy flavorful meal.

    How to Cook Bulgur Wheat

    Preparing and cooking bulgur is relatively simple and easy. To cook, use a ratio of 2:1 water to bulgur. Place bulgur in a pot of water and bring to a boil. Cook until it reaches your preferred softness or anywhere between 3 to 20 minutes.

    Tips: Choocing Organic Bulgur Wheat in Bulk

    Now that you have just learned about the benefits of consuming bulgur and how easy it is to cook, you are probably wanting to buy it in bulk. When you do, purchase these certified organic and non GMO bulgur wheat to ensure you are eating the very best-tasting bulgur nature has to offer.

    Ingredients: Organic Bulgur Wheat
    Storage: Room Temperature, Dry Place
    Grain: Big Grain
    Country of Origin: Italy